December 2019 Newsletter

hi All and sorry for the short notice,
The regular December meeting is Thursday December 12th at the SPAA south classroom at 7 PM.  See our website under about for a map & directions. This is an important meeting as we determine officers for the coming year. Nominations are encouraged from the floor at the December meeting for all open officer and trustee positions. It is up to all of us to rotate as officers periodically to provide the club fresh ideas and new perspectives.Please plan to be there to discuss leadership opportunities for next season.  We will need a NEW club secretary and we will also need a NEW Newsletter Editor, e-mailing list manager, as well as coordinate our banquet.  We are an all volunteer organization – please step up if you are able.
Please bring a list of your “cutting inventory” – that is stools that you plan to take cuttings from.  If you cannot attend, please e-mail the list to Steve Joyner.
There are some ECA shirts to pick up.
We will also be discussing supply needs such as:Plant tagsPeat trays/cubesFertilizerSoilRooting hormone

Our Banquet was held again at Angelo’s in Burien November 14th.  For those who missed the banquet, we will do a brief review of the awards.

We will also discuss how the show went and ideas going forward.

2020 Club Dues
Members are encouraged to pay dues for 2020. Annual dues are $15/member or $20/couple. Checks made out to the ECA or cash should be given to Sydney Ogilvie, current ECA Treasurer.
If you wish to continue receiving the Newsletters and “To Do” Lists, you are encouraged to pay your dues for 2020 by January, so you are not dropped from our Database. The ECA By-Laws, Article 1, states that fees are due no later than the March meeting for members who have paid dues in 2019.

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