July 2023 Newsletter

Hi All,

Evergreen Chrysanthemum Association July 2023 Newsletter

Evergreen Chrysanthemum Association will not be meeting in July.

On Saturday, August 12th at 10 am bring your significant other along. We will meet at the Seattle Chinese Garden at 6000 16th Ave SW Seattle, WA 98106 for a garden tour and picnic lunch compliments of ECA. The Chinese Garden is located at South Seattle College. This will be a great opportunity for us to meet and thank those (our significant others) who directly and indirectly support ECA.

ECA member Phil Wood has been instrumental in bringing Chrysanthemums to the Chinese Garden purchased and donated from Evergreen Chrysanthemum Association. To my knowledge it’s the largest outdoor Chrysanthemum exhibition in the Puget Sound area. We plan to hold a brief meeting, tour the garden and have a catered lunch compliments of ECA. More information to follow in the August newsletter. Hope to see you all there!

A big THANK YOU to Travis Edwards and Michael Boudreaux for sharing your knowledge and experience about chrysanthemum hybridization with the ECA membership at our June meeting. This was one of the most educational presentations we’ve had in a very log time. We will definitely be asking Travis and Michael to return and share more about Chrysanthemum hybridization. We have a recording which is being edited. Stay tuned.

Reflecting back on the 2023 growing season, the last 6 months have been educational and busy! The first quarter of the year our membership started over 1200 mums and had a successful cutting university and plant sale, in the second quarter our focus was on root development and progressive potting techniques. We’ve had many discussions about watering, fertilizing, pinching, disease and pest control. In this next few months our focus will be on plant development and lateral management. July and August are the primary growing months for our mums so watering, fertilizing, disease and pest management regimens should be in full swing by now. Our mums should be in their final 8 to 10 inch pots and in a growing location that gets lots of sunshine. We will start to see laterals and side shoots developing for those plants that were pinched in May and early June. In addition to watering, fertilizing, disease and pest management, its time to introduce a few more topics for discussion including lateral selection and management, staking, flushing, top dressing and “taking the bud”.

Probably the most critical item in the July to do list is “taking the bud”. Read carefully and ask questions of our more experienced growers.

Our July cultural notes will introduce some of these new topics.

SUPPLIES – if you need supplies before our August meeting contact Sue Joyner. We will coordinate delivery.
mid season fertilizer
M&R mix
bud support stakes

Please Let Travis Edwards know if you need M&R mix.

Some Important ECA Calendar Dates:
July 2023 ECA Meeting 7/8/23 at 10: 00 am at Volunteer Park Conservatory – CANCELLED
August 2023 ECA Meeting 8/12/23 at 10:00 am at Seattle Chinese Garden – POTLUCK
September 2023 ECA Meeting 9/9/23 at 10:00 am at Volunteer Park Conservatory
October 2023 ECA Meeting 10/14/23 at 10:00 am at Volunteer Park Conservatory
ECA 2023 77th annual Chrysanthemum show October 27- 29, 2023 at Volunteer Park Conservatory

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