February 2018 Newsletter

Please pay your dues if you’ve not done so yet. MEETING OF THE ECA – is scheduled for TOMORROW THURSDAY FEBRUARY 8th, 2018 at 7:00 PM at the Seattle Police Athletic Association Office (SPAA) site at 11030 East Marginal Way South, Tukwila. Meeting in North Class Room.

We Need a Volunteer to speak about mums at a garden Club in NW Tacoma/Brown’s Point May 8th at 1:30 PM. Kris will discuss this at the meeting.

Draft Minutes from January ,meeting by Sue Joyner. Please note dates of upcoming events and plan to attend. Happy Valentines Day!!

January 11, 2017

ECA Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Kris Stephens, Ron Elliott, June Kubo, David Rynes, Erika Harris, Alva and Dennis Nishimura, Steve and Sue Joyner, Mark Ross, Rich and Jill Aldrich

Meeting was brought to order at 7:10 pm

Cultural Presentation – Ron Elliott, Mark Ross and Steve Joyner

How to take a stool cutting and propagate a new plant

By now stools should be in a heated area (60 deg. For example). They should be watered and fertilized with a high Nitrogen fertilizer such as Miracle Grow (24-8-16) to stimulate new growth.

It’s important that you identify your best plants from each variety and try to get your cutting from those plants. Weak or diseased plants should be destroyed.

Ron Elliott demonstrated how to take a cutting and use the earth pot for starting the plant. The earth pots come in a tray of 72 starting modules containing the required soilless ingredients. The cuttings are inserted directly into each module and the planting media is pressed gently around the tender starts. The earth pots are liked by several growers because they provide a denser starting flat.

Steve Joyner discussed the characteristics of a healthy plant for taking a cutting and demonstrated how he takes a cutting and starts the plant in a 2 ½ inch cross bottom cube.

Soilless starting media is placed in the 2 ½ inch cross bottom cubes. The planting media is compacted in each corner of the cube. Using a pencil, poke a hole in the center of the starting media. Steve dips the leafy end of his starts in a weak fungicide solution and then dips the end of the cutting into root tone, before inserting the cutting into the cube. The planting media is pressed gently around the tender start.

For either method controlled heat is required under the tray, overhead lights and covers are also necessary. Light overhead spraying will keep the plants moist enough to start the roots. Too much moisture will rot the start.

Instruction was provided on the information that should be written on the pot tag. The plat name, plant classification, start date, the grower’s initials. The start date provides good reference for selecting the start date for next year’s plants.

After the demonstrations anyone present was encouraged to take a cutting, complete the tag and plant the start. Having many experienced growers in the room provided good information and guidance for the novice growers present.

Start time frames –
First out the gate in early to mid-January – Elsie Prosser, Mount Rainier, James Bryant, Keith Luxford, all fairweathers, most fantasies, and any specimen plants (10 or more blooms)
In late January – Connie Mayhew, Seychelles, Dukes, Jessie Habgood
February – Lundys, Harry Gees, Jane Sharpe, Ralph Lambert, Athabasca
Late February to early March – 4’s, 5,s and garden varieties

Now is the time to be thinking about what you want to enter in the fall show.
Strategies were discussed and growers were encouraged to look at the ECA show rules and create their 2018 growing plan.
Business Meeting:
December 13, 2017 meeting minutes were read by Sue Joyner. Motion to accept by Steve Joyner and 2nd by June Kubo. Approved by all in attendance

1. Review of 2018 slate of officers

2. Mark Ross ordered 50 planting trays. They will arrive January 22nd. Sue Joyner purchased 3 boxes white tags, 2 boxes, yellow tags and 1 box purple tags from Steubers and brought them to the meeting.

3. Trustee’s annual meeting
Kris Stephens continues to coordinate the trustee meeting for a January to February time frame. Kris will contact Bob Ewing to secure a meeting location at Wesley Gardens.

4. Cutting and planning social/potluck
The first ECA chrysanthemum cutting and starting University at Volunteer Park Conservatory (VPC) is scheduled for Sunday January 21st between noon and 2 pm. We anticipate running longer. Bring your stools! We will be taking cuttings on any single digit classification cultivars – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. (see cultivar list below)
There will be a potluck of soup, rolls, salad and side dishes at VPC during our workshop.

The second ECA chrysanthemum cutting and starting University is scheduled for Saturday, February 24th. Kris Stephens to coordinate the time with VPC David Helgeson. More info forthcoming at the February ECA meeting

5. Upcoming ECA events
Sunday, January 21st cutting/planting event at VPC greenhouse
Thursday, February 8th regular Thursday evening meeting
Saturday, February 24th second cutting/planting event at VPC greenhouse.

6. Plant sale dates:
March 8th – first ECA member plant sale
April 12th – second ECA member plant sale.
April 14th – Public plant sale at VPC

7. Plant Sale discussion:
Because our Furneys plant sale patrons may not want to drive to Volunteer park for plants Sue Joyner suggested that we contact the SeaTac Horticultural society. Jill and Rich Aldrich agreed to contact them to see if we could possibly have an April plant sale there. Sue also suggested that we consider contacting Bellevue Botanical garden as a third April plant sale location. The idea being multiple plant sales in different areas around greater Seattle. Last year we sold about the same number of plants as in previous years but had many more starts that we could have sold.
Jill Aldrich introduced the idea of having some pictures of the plants for the plant sale(s). We have a large catalog of pictures to set up a picture board.

8. Social Media Addition – talk to Steve Backstrom about adding a membership application to the web site

9. Vases – Erika Harris provided a catalog from the floral supply syndicate. Vase criteria for multiple bloom entries (5-6 inches across the top). We would prefer similar larger vases for display in the show. Dave Rynes will provide information on how the English national chrysanthemum society displays vases of 5 for their shows. This will help us determine the vases we need to purchase

10. Trophies – Continued discussion about trophies. Should we retire and replace some of the well-loved (and used) trophies? Sue will contact Larry Mayer who was identified as a great resource providing background information on past award/trophy purchases.

11. Proposed 2018 project bloom – Connie Mayhew

Meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm
Sue Joyner, Secretary

February Cultural Notes and to Do List

PLANT CULTURE – Continue to start plants for our public sale in April. Plants must be given protection for the first few months and carefully nurtured to establish strong root systems before potting or repotting. In February, take starts for the early blooming varieties. At this month’s meeting, the focus is growing plants, cultivar selection, materials and your reference books. Cultural recommendations are attached.

SUPPLIES – Supplies to be available at the February meeting.
· Plant Labels, White and Yellow 100 per pack.
· 2½” Plastic planting/starting cubes
· M&R Soilless Growing Media (Need enough orders to buy a pallet for a lower price). The cultural committee has decided to provide only M&R mix. It is a better product for mums than the mix used previously. This mix can be used for all pottings from the first 2 ½” pot to the 9 or 10” final pot.

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